Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Harbor Hoops

I prayed a few weeks ago - that God would give me some people.
We've been working on the building all summer long - but a church without people is well, nothing.

James and Jerry stopped by later that evening (after I had prayed for people) and I showed them the building - and then talked about bringing some of his friends to play ball.

Last night - they showed up. 21 of us!

After an hour and a half of basketball, I gave them each a soda and we went to the weight room to talk.

I told them...

1- "This is the Harbor and let me tell you something about Harbors. It's where boats go to get refueled and repaired." Then I read to them these words: "Brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- thing about suc things." I asked them what all those words have in common, and one guy said "They're all positive." I replied "That's right, that means, we watch our language. That means we use words to encourage each other, not to tear each other down. That's what we do around here - we HONOR one another with our words - we help repair and refuel each other."

Then, I told them...

2- "Another thing about a Harbor. Boats aren't meant to stay in the harbor - they get repaired, refueled, and then the boats go out. That means - if you choose to play ball with us - then you are agreeing to join me in going out to serve the community once a month. We may go into the City of Detroit and serve at the soup kitchen, or we'll serve here with the Boy's club or any number of things, but once a month, we'll serve -- all of us -- together."

They nodded in agreement.

Finally I said: "I'm a pastor and this is a church. A church where guys get together to play ball, and then do what we're doing now." (One of the guys whispered to his buddy: "I kind of like this kind of church!"). "And so, I want to pray for you right now."

I asked them to bow their heads, and they did. Then I prayed God's mercy and blessing and presence all over these guys. I prayed "thank you's" for the ability to play ball and I asked God to protect these boys as they leave. Then I said "In Jesus Name, Amen." And twenty one voices echoed "Amen".

I must tell you - my heart was huge with thankfulness to God for such an amazing night. Wow! I can't wait till next Tuesday when the Harbor Hoops (church) meets again!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Prayers and Praise!

Praise: An incredible week with the teens and leaders from the Portage Free Methodist Church. Wow – they selflessly served; kept smiles on their faces, and reflected Jesus in so many ways all week long! And, they accomplished so much – completing two rooms, one hallway, locker rooms, bathrooms, showers, chair scrubbing, canvassing the neighborhood – and so, so much more! What a blessing they are to The Harbor – and to the Crydermans!

Prayer: We gave up on selling our house. Found some amazing renters. We move out of our house today (Saturday) and they move in on Monday. This too, is proving to be an amazing blessing – to us and to them! Pray that all goes smoothly, and that this house is an amazing blessing to this family. They had been praying and praying for a house in Schoolcraft that would hold their large family – and when they saw the Craigslist listing, they began praising God!

Prayer: We speak at Westland Free Methodist tomorrow morning (along with their great Lead Pastor, Tyson Nofzinger). Pray for the perfect words and for God’s presence to go before, in, around, through and behind all that happens at that fine church.

Praise/Prayer: Tomorrow night (Sunday), we begin our Harbor Bible study. The Core (and some others) will gather at 6pm – and dig into the Word. We are so thankful. And too, we pray that God will be evident among us, and do great work within us.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Portage Free Methodist!

Wow! The Portage Free Methodist Teens (and some equally awesome adults) have given themselves in an amazing way to The Harbor over these last few days.

The picture above accurately portrays their commitment to self-sacrifice. When we moved the lockers, we found a very thick layer of ... goopy grossness. Thick. Sticky. Almost unscrapable.

But the teens jumped right in, giving their best effort to clean it up, and all with a smile.

Over and over, the teens from Portage FMC have shown themselves to be caring, God-centered, people loving, hard working students. I am so proud!

They haven't just worked. They have helped the Harbor. They have helped us. And every day, we thank God for volunteers like them! God is so good!

And oh my - I wish there was time to tell you about our first outing - White Castle - where together we downed more than 70 sliders, fries, onion petals and drink.

And stop by and see the major jobs accomplished - already! Wow.