Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dockyard - Nose in the Carpet


It's a big deal. Whenever my family gets together, at least part of the time is spent in prayer. It's because we believe that prayer works. That God hears us - that he cares! And he answers too! So we pray.

Of course, before this adventure began there was a lot of prayer. When God opened our eyes to the possibility of new churches, and newly changed people throughout Detroit Metroland, we prayed. Mary, McKenna and I had a saying: "Noses in the carpet". That meant, faces down to the ground as we talked with God - dreaming of what he might do and how he might use us. He answered prayer after prayer. We still have many prayers left to be said, that's for sure. It's a good thing we still have carpet.

Do you know God hears you when you pray? Doesn't matter what you're praying about - do you know that God cares? I mean - he cares about your biggest, life changing decisions, and he cares about the little details of your life. So, join us - get on your knees, put your nose in the carpet - and pray. And he will hear you - and he will answer!

And if you'd like, we could use you in our Dockyard. The typical dockyard is not front and center. The dockyard keeps the boats running. Usually, it's behind the scenes. When people think of boating, they think of speed, of sun and relaxation and comfort. But in order for boats to work, there must be work done on the boats! That happens in the dockyard.

So join us! Email me at pmcrydo AT gmail.com or our new address: crydo.harbor AT gmail.com. If you request the dockyard, I'll add you to our "once a week" email list. You'll get the inside scoop - short bullet points - of what to pray about next. And, you'll hear a few praises too - for God is good and God answers prayer!

Keep praying! Noses in the carpet!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


What an absolutely awesome weekend at Portage Free Methodist! During both services I finished the series "The Church's Finest Hour" - celebrating how PFM is so good at weeping with those who weep and rejoicing with those who rejoice. During this series, I was introducing some of the new people to what makes PFM special, and helping them see how they too can join in with others as they celebrate, or help carry the garbage that others often have to carry. Then, after the "sermon" I urged everyone there to meet me in Heaven - asking them to promise me that they will be there too. What a fine time of prayer! Because I don't like goodbyes, I said "See ya later -- here, there, or up in the air!" But here's where it gets good... Between services, PFM had a wonderful snack time in the gym. And during that snack time, they honored us with some wonderful gifts (how on earth did they get two sleeves of Starbucks tall coffee cups?) and testimonies. What an honor! And along with that, many handed us cards - some with money gifts for us (yay!) and others with checks for The Harbor (yay!). But best of all, we felt loved. So many hugs and "thank-you's" - reminding us that everything we do for the Lord matters! This is cool: One African American friend, who attends with our group from the Kalamazoo Probation Enhancement Program, gave me a big bear hug and said something like this: "Pastor Mark, you've given me hope and lot's of help. And there are so many brothers in Detroit that really need what you've given me. I am praying for you. What you're going to do in Detroit is so important - people's lives depend on it. Thank you - and God bless you!" Wow! I'm ready - and can't wait to get there! Thanks PFM for the awesome send off! Your friendship and prayers matter! Your loving sendoff gives us strength - we'll think of it and you often -- and with joy!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Harbor Hoops

So imagine with me a league of up and coming basket-ballers! Perhaps they weren't good enough to make the team at their school - but here at the Harbor... THEY PLAY. It's strange isn't it? Our 7th and 8th graders dream of playing ball - and only 12-15 make the team. The rest are basically "out". That was it. Their big chance to play organized ball, and they weren't good enough to make the cut. Bummer. Unless of course, you play for The Harbor. Harbor Hoops means everyone who wants to play, gets to play. Because everyone matters. And not only will their be some great sports - but all who enter will learn their is a God who gave them ability, and energy, and relationship. There is a God who created the idea of "Teamwork" when he put us together into families and churches, gifiting us as members of "the body of Christ". There is a God who dreamed of his creation learning that working together accomplishes more than going through life alone. Imagine Harbor Hoops.

Monday, May 7, 2012


HOW COOL IS THIS? Last week someone let me know they want to provide the starter kit for our discipleship materials. Henry Blackaby's "Experiencing God" has been incredibly life transforming for us. One of the most powerful teachings we learned is to "learn where God is working and join Him." Of course, that sounds really easy and basic, but as a principal of life - it is truly transforming. From the beginning, Mary and I thought it would be good for us to teach this concept to our new believers. Can you imagine an entire church of people asking the question: "Where is God working?" so that they can organize their lives around joining him? Wow! So, the materials have been paid for! Many lives will be changed. Today, I'm thanking the Lord, and anticipating the future as we all work together, joining God in His plan for Detroit Metroland and The Harbor!