Monday, April 30, 2012


Imagine with me 9 kids in this room, some at desks, others at pottery wheels. Perhaps they came to The Harbor as a way of escape -- to get away from the pain of a broken home, abuse, or fear. And the pain goes away when they form the clay with their hands. Even as they shape and mold their clay, their instructor shares the good news of a God who loves them and carefully shapes them with his loving hands. How God sometimes uses the painful events of life to do his greatest work! And imagine these kids with a new sense of hope - that their life, even their hurts - matter. This is the Harbor in action - to the Glory of God!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

We are so excited! In this gym, we will have family movie nights, couple's volleyball, lot's of basketball, and much much more! All to build relationships with people and give them an awesome place to get to know Jesus. If you'd like to work on those bleachers (they've kind of fallen into disrepair) - give me a holler and you can go at it!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

PRAY: Manoogian

My Sister in Law, Liann, asked if she could help The Harbor by seeking out and writing Grant Requests. "YES!" What an incredibly important need - filled by God! I've been staring the need for grants in the face, feeling hopeless because there is just not enough time in the day! God is good. So, Liann emailed me today - she's working on a request for the Manoogian Foundation. She asked for prayer. They are based in Taylor, and provide grants to organizations nation wide. So - when you pray, pray MANOOGIAN - and together we'll celebrate God's answer!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Lockers for Sale

Have you ever dreamed of owning your very own high school locker?

Okay, that's a bit strong - but maybe you'd like a set for your garage, or to decorate your kids bedroom?

The lockers come in sets of 6. Your cost? Only $50.00 per set! All proceeds go towards the operating budget of The Harbor.

If you'd like to purchase lockers, contact us at pmcrydo(at)

New Needs...

Well, we need a potters wheel for sure. Since one has already promised a kiln - now we need pots to "fire" - and a potters wheel will be just the ticket. Imagine the discussions surrounding Jeremiah 18:6... "Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?" declares the Lord. "Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel..."

That's our goal, right? To become pliable - and willing, for God to shape us as he sees fit. And when he's finished - you are I are works of art! Beautiful!

God is busy forming you and me every day. And for that I am grateful.

So, if you have a potters wheel laying around - give us a call!


So, the Lord through one person, promised new signage throughout the building! What a blessing! How cool is that?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


So in staff meeting today, I was updating everyone on the great Detroit adventure. I pointed out that the closer we get to this, the more we realize just how impossible it is. Not just difficult - but impossible. "IMpossible" I emphasized.

My wise office manager replied: "No, not IMpossible - it's HIMpossible"!

Awesome! HIMpossible! God will do great things - how fun to be part of it!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Bunn VPR-APS Pourover Airpot Coffee Brewer with 2.2 Liter Airpot

So, my friend Bob saw our new blog, and willing to help us paint wrote me this: "You know I can't paint until I've had my coffee - so put me down for the Bunn VPR-APS." How cool is that?

And another blast from the past friend said that in a year they may be ready to move and help begin the work within the city limits of Detroit - and that's moving from 600 miles away!

And another said "I've got a friend who I think will donate his kiln - and since I'm an electrician, I'll come hook it up."

What an awesome God we have. "Every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." (James 1:17)

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Dockyard

The Dockyard is where the work happens. The Dockyard is our list of prayer partners.

Recently, I've seen just how big this mountain is that we are attempting to climb. In fact, it's impossible. To be clear - it is not just "difficult" or "risky" - it is impossible.

Philippians 4:13 reminds us that "with Christ, all things are possible".

The impossible becomes possible through Christ.

Unless our God moves - all our effort in Detroit will fail. And it wouldn't be pretty.

But God started this, and I believe he'll bring it to completion!

So pray with us. For the impossible. That thriving F.M. churches will birth, develop and grow all across Detroit - bringing hope and dignity to those who have been sidelined.

Join the Dockyard - and you'll get short, weekly email directing you on our highest priorities of prayer!

Finding ourselves on this adventure!

Well, first things first. January of 2011, God began to speak. Actually, he had begun speaking long before that. But regarding the great city of Detroit - we first heard God's voice in January of 2011. And He said: Give yourself to planting new Free Methodist churches in Detroit and it's surroundings.
After God spoke, I said "Uh, I don't think I've heard you correctly. McKenna is a sophomore in High School, and you would NEVER ask her to move. So, I think maybe I didn't hear you. So, I don't even need to pray about this."
Three months later, McKenna said to me "Daddy, I want to do something different. I love it here in Schoolcraft and everything - but in a way I feel like I'm wasting my life. I want to give my life away. I want something to fight for. I want to give myself to something."
I asked her what she had in mind.
She said "I think we should move."
Then God said, "Now will you pray about it?"
I told Mary (my wife) about the idea. She said she'd move, but she felt a bit unsure. So I told God again: "I must have misunderstood. Maybe I'm just longing for adventure. Mary isn't all that keen on the idea. Our marriage would never stand up under the pressure that starting a new church would require, unless we are completely united in this idea. So, maybe I misunderstood. I guess, I'm out."
Two weeks later, Mary came to me and said "Hey, you know that idea about Detroit? Well, God has spoken to me and I am absolutely totally committed, excited and certain that God wants us there. How soon can we get started?"
So, we began praying - and over the next several months God spoke clearly: "Move to the south side of Detroit, and reach out to those who have little. Focus on the arts and recreation. Love the hurting. Introduce them to Jesus and start a church. And then, do it again and again throughout the city of Detroit."
Whew! We prayed and sought counsel. We asked out conference leaders to pray about it too.
Everyone agrees: God wants a new Free Methodist work in and through and around the city of Detroit.
So, we move this summer!
This blog is about all that - and I'm sure you'll read and wonder how you can help reach the lost and bring hope to so many without. And God will give you ideas.
Join us, will you?