Thursday, July 26, 2012

Overwhelmed? Not yet...!

Okay - things are moving fast - super fast!

We have a "watercolor" teacher for our first module (beginning in early September). This will be an after school opportunity for kids to paint. Remember the plan: first homework. If the child has no homework, then the first 30 minutes is "reading" time, because: Readers are Leaders! Then - WATERCOLOR! As I mentioned, we have a bonafide water color instructor, who will help kids 3rd grade through 8th grade learn and practice painting in this awesome genre.

We have a "choral" instructor for our first module too! Peggy Goldston, one of our "core" members will be teaching and leading those interested in developing their voices and singing together.

Other "venues" will be added over the next couple of weeks, as we talk with principals and teachers and discover the best way to serve the people.

We've been promised a kiln and had several discussions surrounding a couple of pottery wheels. There will be an "adult" art room ready to go this September as well. We think it will be open on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, from 6-11pm.

NEED: a website. Wanna help build it? Give me a holler asap and we'll make it happen.


Monday, July 9, 2012

Prayer Matters

Whew! Awesome and crazy last couple of weeks!

Mary and McKenna and I (and the Goldstons and Hiseys) worked nearly around the clock – going through 18 years of accumulated stuff here at The Harbor and sorting and throwing and pricing… until the rummage sale last weekend. What a huge success! This morning, we took about 2300 dollars to the bank!

PRAYER: This weekend we cruise over to Somerset Beach campground for our Annual Conference Family Camp. While there, Mary and I are supposed to sing (Saturday night!) – yikes. And we are hoping for many great conversations – for people to commit to join the dockyard and pray for us – and for people to commit to support this incredible ministry with the finances too!

CELEBRATE: During the garage sale, we had three goals: 1) talk about and invite people to The Harbor. 2) get rid of the stuff that’s in this building. 3) make a little money.

God answered our prayers on all three accounts! We had some really super conversations and handed out info to a whole bunch of people. And in every case, the people we talked with were very enthused about The Harbor and what we’re trying to do here! Momentum is building! Several filled out survey forms, to help us decide what classes to offer in September. And there were a few that stayed around a long time to hear more, and in one or two cases, committed to teaching a class! Wahoo!

I can’t thank God enough for the amazing volunteers through the week and prep time to help us with this rummage sale! So many helped, among them: the Lukes, the Dodds, the other Dodds, the Gronvalls, the Crydermans, the other Crydermans, the Kulagas, the Davis’, the Simonds, the Bumgardners, and of course the Hiseys and Goldstons!

We continue to pray about our house selling. Every month when we write our mortgage check, it hurts a bit.

Thanks so much for praying!

Mark, Mary, McKenna, Micah and Mariah