Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Harbor Family dot Calm!

YAY - our website as just gone LIVE - thanks to our dear friends, Emily and Andrew Smith. Check it out at

Over the next few weeks, there will probably be a few changes, so check it often! AND, you can donate online too - safe and secure - and you will be receipted for your gifts at the end of the year! So, WHO WILL BE THE FIRST TO MAKE AN ONLINE DONATION? Ha!

We are working with the online link to give - so if it looks a bit confusing, check back tomorrow or the next, and I think you'll see improvements.

Friday (November 30) we will host our first Family Movie: Disney/Pixar's UP. We'll provide popcorn, and get a chance to build bridges. This morning we handed out 1100 tickets that will go home to 1100 families (from two of our local elementary schools). We have room for about 150 - so we are excited to show off our THEATRE - in the process of being retooled into a worship center (and movie place!)

God has been so close to us. Bible Study at The Harbor is picking up pace as we all together learn of God's great love for us. We are studying the Gospel of John - which is a very fun look at Jesus' life.

December is FAMILY ART month - as we focus on bringing families together to do things like "Ceramics"; "Card making" and "Ginger Bread Homes". Fun!

And you ought to drop by and see our under construction CLAY room - wow. And did I tell you about the new paint job in the men's bathroom? Very cool. Probably pictures will suffice regarding that.

Keep praying - as we lean into the upcoming chance to worship together, our hearts beat extra fast with the anticipation and excitement!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Administration is Important - and People are too!


I met with one of my basketball guys the other day, and realized he really needs more attention. As a young man in his 20’s, in a dangerous, mixed up world – he needs help with education, decision making, job skills and, well, life! He’s started asking some great questions – personal things that I believe will lead to awesome conversations about what God could do in his life.

I want to spend more time with him – other than just Thursday nights. But I can’t. Instead, I’m keeping accurate records, paying bills, balancing the checkbook, keeping meticulous records of all donations and organizing the calendar. And I am excruciatingly slow at this. And I’m not good. I’m pitiful. And I need help.

I’m thanking God over and over or all the secretaries that have served along side me over the years. Doris, MeaDora, Elsa, Marilyn, Sherry, Nettie, Kimba, Becky, Alison, Sue, Linda and Christa – you all rock, and made me way better than I am. And the amazing “bean counters” – you know, the finance people: Mark, Walter, Art, Rick, Steve, Bill, Don and Clarence – how you’ve remained sane all these years, I’ll never know! My respect for you was always high, but it has grown exponentially (math word!) over these last few months.

So pray that God will bring someone along that can help with our finances and general administration. O, how effective we could be, if we were a bit more organized. And O, what a blessing it would be, if I could spend more time with “people” and less with the books. Somewhere out there, is someone who loves to do that, and who is good at it. Pray with me that that person shows up!

And pray for my basketball buddy and his questions about work, decision making, life and God. Thanks.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

God Speaks, People Give, Others are Served

The Portage Team was here a few weeks ago - and Tim, the Electrician came along. We knew that someday, we'd like to transform the chem lab into the Clay Room, complete with Kiln, pottery wheel, etc. Only all we had was the "etc." which in this case meant "basically nothing". Still, while Tim was here, we wired the Chem Lab with 220 - knowing that if we ever got a kiln, it would require a 220 volt outlet.

A week after Portage left, a lady from the East Michigan conference (who just happens to be my Mother in Law) called and said "We bought you a kiln at a garage sale - can we deliver it tomorrow?"

So, that Friday morning, we got up and started cleaning out the Chemistry Lab - making room for the Kiln!

When Mom and Dad Dodds showed up, they not only had a kiln, but lot's of greenware and molds for ceramics. Now, we had not planned on ceramics - but now, we have some neat ideas for Gramma's and Grandkids coming together this fall to make Christmas presents for the "Mom's". It's cool how God directs this ministry!

Now, we still had the problem of the chemicals. When the school closed, they left behind 9 boxes of chemicals in the Chemistry lab. Things like Mercury and HCL and names that are too long to write here. And no one wanted them. I had made more phone calls than you can count - and I was perplexed. But Dave Powless, our pastor at Warren Road Light and Life church, heard about our plight. The very next week, we were able to deliver the chemicals to a Christian school in the Canton area - who really wanted and needed them! We felt FREE!

But still - we have no clay, no motorized potters wheel - we are still a long way from being "legit" when it comes to being a place where people would want to come and create.

That next weekend - we are in Spring Arbor and Mary bumps into our Artist friend Aaron. She tells about the kiln and he says - "I have a wheel for you". So, we met him at his house, and he loaded a motorized potters wheel into our truck, along with about 60 pounds of clay! He also donated a chalice he had made (which we will use for communion!)

Before we left Spring Arbor, my brother Billy and his son Aaron, presented us with a drum set.

So now, we can start doing some "band" stuff - to teach worship music and Jesus to some of my Basketball Guys!

There is no income at The Harbor - aside from people like you who hear God speak, and then respond. Thanks! God is being lifted High at the Harbor - as people are served through your gifts!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Singing and Painting

So, a great beginning! Here is our watercolor painting class. An awesome instructor, and a very sharp group of kids. Very fun! Everyone loved the snack time, and obeyed during the "study" time.

And here is our music class doing "breathing" exercises!

The hardest part of this ministry, because it takes alot of energy, is wondering if it will "turn into" anything. So, for the time being, we are content to live by this mantra: We do not do these things to get people converted, but because we are converted. Still, we pray for conversions!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Grand Opening Prayers

Well, TUESDAY it begins!

Pray: We’ve cleaned and scrubbed and painted and fixed and fixed and fixed. We’ve prayed and we’ve planned and we’ve invited. Tuesday, we officially OPEN our Cultural Arts wing. We have 10 students who are registered, and we have two classes on Tuesday, Two on Wednesday and One on Thursday. We have incredible instructors and people to help tutor. We’ve built solid relationships with the administrators of the school district and with the elementary school next door. We are ready.
But – without God’s presence and power, we will just be singing and painting and taking pictures and scrapbooking and playing kickball – and that’s all it will be. We want God to create discussions with parents and let the love of Christ flow through us and encourage and bring hope to kids and families. Pray with us to that end.

On Wednesday night, we begin our Bible study. Pray for those who have been invited, and the “re-invites” we will deliver tomorrow (Tuesday). Pray for me as I prepare. And pray for God’s presence to touch and heal and bring hope.

Thursday, we begin our official “Harbor Hoops”. We’ve had some nice beginnings with the Basketball boys, but this week we become “official” – so pray that relationships will be built. We will work with the same 13 boys for 8 weeks straight – and hope that this will help us go deep, expressing love and hope to these guys. I’m not alone in this – Bob Goldston is my fellow leader and mentor as we teach these boys about basketball – and about life – and about God. Pray for us.

PRAISE: Again, I am overwhelmed with those who have given some amazing help around here. Portage Free Methodist have sent two teams – the most recent group did some super incredible work on some pretty complex stuff – super helpful! And Westland Free Methodist sent two groups who knocked out some amazing work – painting and scraping and on and on! And then, several smaller teams have come around to begin long range work that will help us with design and ministry.

And God continues to send us money, just in time! About the time I look at the bank book and see the numbers dwindling, a check shows up in the mail! Praise God for generous people!

Thanks again!

Pastor Mark, Mary and McKenna Cryderman
The Harbor

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The 'A' Team

Go ahead, hum the theme song from "The A Team" while I reminisce.
Portage Free Methodist sent some stellar workers last weekend. People I didn't need to train. People that knew what to do. These amazing folks just worked and worked and worked - moving from one project to another! They fixed some things that had me stumped for months.
But better than that - they, as they are so good at doing, loved us. They just talked and laughed and loved - that's what they do best.
God gives good gifts, that's for sure. And the 'A' Team from Portage are super good gifts!

Saturday, September 1, 2012


So, this big, beautiful building is awesome, huge, and carries a laundry list a mile long on projects - both big and small.

We hosted the Portage FM Teens a few weeks back - who did just an amazing job. The week we enjoyed with that group kept us "flying high" for days and days! What joy - to be connected to such amazing kids and adults! What a privilege it is to work side by side with such quality people!

But, you know, after they left - the building sure felt quiet. And lonely.

Then, Westland and their teens - 31 of them! showed up to work one Thursday night, and then another 14 showed up from WFM on Saturday. And boy, did those kids and adults work! They worked and worked and worked - and like their PFM brothers and sisters, had such an amazing spirit of joy!

So, after WFM left, again, we were flying high! So much accomplished in such a little amount of time. So much joy and so much of God's spirit all around. Wow.

And the building is looking gooooood! The third week of September is just around the corner - that's the week when all the students will show up for their first week of creating at The Harbor. I can't wait!

Before each work team leaves, we have them sign the door. That is, on the back of the mechanical room door, I've printed a verse - from Philippians - which says "I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel..." I explain that all the names on the door are partners in sharing the gospel. Whenever I see those names - some of those names are your names - I am deeply moved and thankful.

Thanks Helpers!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Harbor Hoops

I prayed a few weeks ago - that God would give me some people.
We've been working on the building all summer long - but a church without people is well, nothing.

James and Jerry stopped by later that evening (after I had prayed for people) and I showed them the building - and then talked about bringing some of his friends to play ball.

Last night - they showed up. 21 of us!

After an hour and a half of basketball, I gave them each a soda and we went to the weight room to talk.

I told them...

1- "This is the Harbor and let me tell you something about Harbors. It's where boats go to get refueled and repaired." Then I read to them these words: "Brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- thing about suc things." I asked them what all those words have in common, and one guy said "They're all positive." I replied "That's right, that means, we watch our language. That means we use words to encourage each other, not to tear each other down. That's what we do around here - we HONOR one another with our words - we help repair and refuel each other."

Then, I told them...

2- "Another thing about a Harbor. Boats aren't meant to stay in the harbor - they get repaired, refueled, and then the boats go out. That means - if you choose to play ball with us - then you are agreeing to join me in going out to serve the community once a month. We may go into the City of Detroit and serve at the soup kitchen, or we'll serve here with the Boy's club or any number of things, but once a month, we'll serve -- all of us -- together."

They nodded in agreement.

Finally I said: "I'm a pastor and this is a church. A church where guys get together to play ball, and then do what we're doing now." (One of the guys whispered to his buddy: "I kind of like this kind of church!"). "And so, I want to pray for you right now."

I asked them to bow their heads, and they did. Then I prayed God's mercy and blessing and presence all over these guys. I prayed "thank you's" for the ability to play ball and I asked God to protect these boys as they leave. Then I said "In Jesus Name, Amen." And twenty one voices echoed "Amen".

I must tell you - my heart was huge with thankfulness to God for such an amazing night. Wow! I can't wait till next Tuesday when the Harbor Hoops (church) meets again!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Prayers and Praise!

Praise: An incredible week with the teens and leaders from the Portage Free Methodist Church. Wow – they selflessly served; kept smiles on their faces, and reflected Jesus in so many ways all week long! And, they accomplished so much – completing two rooms, one hallway, locker rooms, bathrooms, showers, chair scrubbing, canvassing the neighborhood – and so, so much more! What a blessing they are to The Harbor – and to the Crydermans!

Prayer: We gave up on selling our house. Found some amazing renters. We move out of our house today (Saturday) and they move in on Monday. This too, is proving to be an amazing blessing – to us and to them! Pray that all goes smoothly, and that this house is an amazing blessing to this family. They had been praying and praying for a house in Schoolcraft that would hold their large family – and when they saw the Craigslist listing, they began praising God!

Prayer: We speak at Westland Free Methodist tomorrow morning (along with their great Lead Pastor, Tyson Nofzinger). Pray for the perfect words and for God’s presence to go before, in, around, through and behind all that happens at that fine church.

Praise/Prayer: Tomorrow night (Sunday), we begin our Harbor Bible study. The Core (and some others) will gather at 6pm – and dig into the Word. We are so thankful. And too, we pray that God will be evident among us, and do great work within us.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Portage Free Methodist!

Wow! The Portage Free Methodist Teens (and some equally awesome adults) have given themselves in an amazing way to The Harbor over these last few days.

The picture above accurately portrays their commitment to self-sacrifice. When we moved the lockers, we found a very thick layer of ... goopy grossness. Thick. Sticky. Almost unscrapable.

But the teens jumped right in, giving their best effort to clean it up, and all with a smile.

Over and over, the teens from Portage FMC have shown themselves to be caring, God-centered, people loving, hard working students. I am so proud!

They haven't just worked. They have helped the Harbor. They have helped us. And every day, we thank God for volunteers like them! God is so good!

And oh my - I wish there was time to tell you about our first outing - White Castle - where together we downed more than 70 sliders, fries, onion petals and drink.

And stop by and see the major jobs accomplished - already! Wow.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Overwhelmed? Not yet...!

Okay - things are moving fast - super fast!

We have a "watercolor" teacher for our first module (beginning in early September). This will be an after school opportunity for kids to paint. Remember the plan: first homework. If the child has no homework, then the first 30 minutes is "reading" time, because: Readers are Leaders! Then - WATERCOLOR! As I mentioned, we have a bonafide water color instructor, who will help kids 3rd grade through 8th grade learn and practice painting in this awesome genre.

We have a "choral" instructor for our first module too! Peggy Goldston, one of our "core" members will be teaching and leading those interested in developing their voices and singing together.

Other "venues" will be added over the next couple of weeks, as we talk with principals and teachers and discover the best way to serve the people.

We've been promised a kiln and had several discussions surrounding a couple of pottery wheels. There will be an "adult" art room ready to go this September as well. We think it will be open on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, from 6-11pm.

NEED: a website. Wanna help build it? Give me a holler asap and we'll make it happen.


Monday, July 9, 2012

Prayer Matters

Whew! Awesome and crazy last couple of weeks!

Mary and McKenna and I (and the Goldstons and Hiseys) worked nearly around the clock – going through 18 years of accumulated stuff here at The Harbor and sorting and throwing and pricing… until the rummage sale last weekend. What a huge success! This morning, we took about 2300 dollars to the bank!

PRAYER: This weekend we cruise over to Somerset Beach campground for our Annual Conference Family Camp. While there, Mary and I are supposed to sing (Saturday night!) – yikes. And we are hoping for many great conversations – for people to commit to join the dockyard and pray for us – and for people to commit to support this incredible ministry with the finances too!

CELEBRATE: During the garage sale, we had three goals: 1) talk about and invite people to The Harbor. 2) get rid of the stuff that’s in this building. 3) make a little money.

God answered our prayers on all three accounts! We had some really super conversations and handed out info to a whole bunch of people. And in every case, the people we talked with were very enthused about The Harbor and what we’re trying to do here! Momentum is building! Several filled out survey forms, to help us decide what classes to offer in September. And there were a few that stayed around a long time to hear more, and in one or two cases, committed to teaching a class! Wahoo!

I can’t thank God enough for the amazing volunteers through the week and prep time to help us with this rummage sale! So many helped, among them: the Lukes, the Dodds, the other Dodds, the Gronvalls, the Crydermans, the other Crydermans, the Kulagas, the Davis’, the Simonds, the Bumgardners, and of course the Hiseys and Goldstons!

We continue to pray about our house selling. Every month when we write our mortgage check, it hurts a bit.

Thanks so much for praying!

Mark, Mary, McKenna, Micah and Mariah

Friday, June 29, 2012


Wow - what a week!

After a tremendous night of fireworks and fun at Hart Plaza in Detroit, I spent a ton of time on the "Official Legal Stuff" for The Harbor.

Today, I opened a new checking account!

Thanks to the amazing help from the folks at PNC Bank - we have a checking account (all free for non-profits!) for THE HARBOR CHURCH.

That's right - we are an official 501c.3, non profit, tax exempt corporation! And from now on, when you make a donation to The Harbor - you can write the check to "The Harbor Church"!!!

So, WHO WANTS TO BE THE FIRST ONE? The challenge is out there - which one of you would like to write the very FIRST check to THE HARBOR?

You can send it to THE HARBOR, 8850 Pardee Rd., Taylor, MI 48180.

Better yet, who'd like to write THE LAST check to The Harbor? Hmmm.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Selling STUFF

July 5-7! We'll host the Harbor Stuff Sale!

Need a locker? We have a hundred or so.

What about desks? Yeah - many, many, many desks. Both student desks and teacher desks!

How about file cabinets. Yep - selling those too.

Computers? Dozens of computers and printers.

We even have 5 1/4 inch disks!

Imagine the kinds of things you might find in a high school - and you'll probably find that at our sale! Yep - at least two grass skirts too!

All proceeds go to support The Harbor.

Thursday, Friday or Saturday - July 5-7. We'll see you here!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Offices nearly complete!

So, a couple nights ago, we all stayed late and under the guidance of Jon Hisey, finished the main work in the offices. Thanks Jon, Jenica, Drew, Micah and McKenna!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Prayer Works...!

Some prayer notes...

Praise: Regina Hisey spent the week in the Hospital. We all prayed for her. And when they finally came to do the final test before surgery, the doctors found out that she did NOT have 50-70% blockage in her arteries. Instead, her arteries were clear. They sent her home. How cool is that?

Prayer: Our house has had very little interest. We dropped the price again and have another showing tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. We’d really like to sell. That’d be cool.

Praise: Today, Mary and I took a business card to a gal (Morgan) we had met at the mall a few weeks ago. She had expressed great interest in The Harbor. She was gone. The new gal behind the counter just kept saying “She doesn’t work here anymore.” Hmmm. So, since we were there, we told her about The Harbor, and she got pretty excited. When I mentioned we will have a room just for clay, she said “A kiln too?” And I said “A kiln too!” She said “I’d love to come to that!” So I gave HER the business card that was meant for Morgan. Her name is Rachel. Then, on our way out of the mall, we ran into a lady and her 3rd grade daughter who was carrying a clarinet. In the mall? Yes! That seemed like an obvious opportunity. Mary and I asked if she plays in a band, and she said she’s too young to be in the band, but she’s taking lessons. We told her about The Harbor, and boy, was her mother excited! They live in Detroit and told us they’d come to The Harbor when it opens.

Praise: Mary and I went to Starbucks for our quiet time. We met a really neat family who loved the idea of The Harbor – but they were from Rossford, Ohio. Too far to drive. Then a couple of Taylor Police Officers showed up for their coffee. I spoke with one of them and told them about our adventure. I said “If you drive by and notice people dropping things off – that’s cool. If you drive by and notice people taking things OUT of the building, ask them what they’re doing…!” Anyway, a few minutes later, while talking with the Barista, I told him we’re starting a Cultural Arts center and he said he remembered me from last time. We talked about The Harbor a bit, and he said I should bring a flyer and put it up on the bulletin board to advertise. Then he asked me to wait while he gets his manager, because Starbucks likes to invest in community things such as this. The manager was interested but not able to talk right then, and in fact neither could we, for we had other work to do. But we will!

So that’s it for this week. Thanks for all your prayers! God is good.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

We Want Mail

The Harbor has an address now! 8850 Pardee, Taylor, MI 48180.

So, you can send mail. We'd love to hear from you! And pray for us, as we prepare for the groups that will come and help us renovate. If you'd like to help - give us a holler! And if you'd like to bring a group - send me an email and we'll arrange it. You can "adopt a room" - prep it and paint it. And we will provide you with luxurious accommodations and great team building exercises. Depending on what you need, we can help you grow, and you can help us get ready for company!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Painting the Harbor

What a day!

Jon Hisey, Bob and Peg Goldston, Mary, McKenna and Mark Cryderman all met at the Harbor to paint! We tore out old cupboards and started in on painting the office complex!

Lot's accomplished - and then we ended the evening in the Teachers Lounge for prayer.

What an incredible evening! This was the first time the Goldstons and Hiseys met, so that was way cool. And God was in the house! We're on our way!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Appointed to... The Harbor!

Now we're talking! At annual conference last weekend, the Bishop announced, during the "appointments"... "Mark and Mary Cryderman, Taylor, The Harbor". And 2 things happened. First, a dream popped into reality. That is, what had been dreamed about and prayed about for months and months, actually became real. What once wasn't (The Harbor) now was (He read it out loud - we are appointed to "The Harbor", which means it's now real!) And wow, what a rush! Pretty cool moment.

But the next moment is more cool. Here's the 2nd thing that happened: I felt God, in the moment of the reading of that appointment, say "Okay, I am now here - in a way that I wasn't before. This building is filled with my presence in a way that is unique to the future of The Harbor. I am here, and I'm ready for you to join me, and for others to find me!" Talk about amazing!

So, we can't wait to get started! We will be painting the offices this weekend, and will be ready for groups just after that.

BTW - at annual conference, 6 churches let me know that they are interested in bringing groups to paint and serve. Thanks God!
And also at Annual Conference, a very generous, amazing leader told me that he and his wife will help support The Harbor financially. Thanks God!

While we are still a long way from seeing the edge of financial solvency, we are reminded that God is behind this and that God will provide for this, and for us!

Praise God!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dockyard - Nose in the Carpet


It's a big deal. Whenever my family gets together, at least part of the time is spent in prayer. It's because we believe that prayer works. That God hears us - that he cares! And he answers too! So we pray.

Of course, before this adventure began there was a lot of prayer. When God opened our eyes to the possibility of new churches, and newly changed people throughout Detroit Metroland, we prayed. Mary, McKenna and I had a saying: "Noses in the carpet". That meant, faces down to the ground as we talked with God - dreaming of what he might do and how he might use us. He answered prayer after prayer. We still have many prayers left to be said, that's for sure. It's a good thing we still have carpet.

Do you know God hears you when you pray? Doesn't matter what you're praying about - do you know that God cares? I mean - he cares about your biggest, life changing decisions, and he cares about the little details of your life. So, join us - get on your knees, put your nose in the carpet - and pray. And he will hear you - and he will answer!

And if you'd like, we could use you in our Dockyard. The typical dockyard is not front and center. The dockyard keeps the boats running. Usually, it's behind the scenes. When people think of boating, they think of speed, of sun and relaxation and comfort. But in order for boats to work, there must be work done on the boats! That happens in the dockyard.

So join us! Email me at pmcrydo AT or our new address: crydo.harbor AT If you request the dockyard, I'll add you to our "once a week" email list. You'll get the inside scoop - short bullet points - of what to pray about next. And, you'll hear a few praises too - for God is good and God answers prayer!

Keep praying! Noses in the carpet!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


What an absolutely awesome weekend at Portage Free Methodist! During both services I finished the series "The Church's Finest Hour" - celebrating how PFM is so good at weeping with those who weep and rejoicing with those who rejoice. During this series, I was introducing some of the new people to what makes PFM special, and helping them see how they too can join in with others as they celebrate, or help carry the garbage that others often have to carry. Then, after the "sermon" I urged everyone there to meet me in Heaven - asking them to promise me that they will be there too. What a fine time of prayer! Because I don't like goodbyes, I said "See ya later -- here, there, or up in the air!" But here's where it gets good... Between services, PFM had a wonderful snack time in the gym. And during that snack time, they honored us with some wonderful gifts (how on earth did they get two sleeves of Starbucks tall coffee cups?) and testimonies. What an honor! And along with that, many handed us cards - some with money gifts for us (yay!) and others with checks for The Harbor (yay!). But best of all, we felt loved. So many hugs and "thank-you's" - reminding us that everything we do for the Lord matters! This is cool: One African American friend, who attends with our group from the Kalamazoo Probation Enhancement Program, gave me a big bear hug and said something like this: "Pastor Mark, you've given me hope and lot's of help. And there are so many brothers in Detroit that really need what you've given me. I am praying for you. What you're going to do in Detroit is so important - people's lives depend on it. Thank you - and God bless you!" Wow! I'm ready - and can't wait to get there! Thanks PFM for the awesome send off! Your friendship and prayers matter! Your loving sendoff gives us strength - we'll think of it and you often -- and with joy!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Harbor Hoops

So imagine with me a league of up and coming basket-ballers! Perhaps they weren't good enough to make the team at their school - but here at the Harbor... THEY PLAY. It's strange isn't it? Our 7th and 8th graders dream of playing ball - and only 12-15 make the team. The rest are basically "out". That was it. Their big chance to play organized ball, and they weren't good enough to make the cut. Bummer. Unless of course, you play for The Harbor. Harbor Hoops means everyone who wants to play, gets to play. Because everyone matters. And not only will their be some great sports - but all who enter will learn their is a God who gave them ability, and energy, and relationship. There is a God who created the idea of "Teamwork" when he put us together into families and churches, gifiting us as members of "the body of Christ". There is a God who dreamed of his creation learning that working together accomplishes more than going through life alone. Imagine Harbor Hoops.

Monday, May 7, 2012


HOW COOL IS THIS? Last week someone let me know they want to provide the starter kit for our discipleship materials. Henry Blackaby's "Experiencing God" has been incredibly life transforming for us. One of the most powerful teachings we learned is to "learn where God is working and join Him." Of course, that sounds really easy and basic, but as a principal of life - it is truly transforming. From the beginning, Mary and I thought it would be good for us to teach this concept to our new believers. Can you imagine an entire church of people asking the question: "Where is God working?" so that they can organize their lives around joining him? Wow! So, the materials have been paid for! Many lives will be changed. Today, I'm thanking the Lord, and anticipating the future as we all work together, joining God in His plan for Detroit Metroland and The Harbor!

Monday, April 30, 2012


Imagine with me 9 kids in this room, some at desks, others at pottery wheels. Perhaps they came to The Harbor as a way of escape -- to get away from the pain of a broken home, abuse, or fear. And the pain goes away when they form the clay with their hands. Even as they shape and mold their clay, their instructor shares the good news of a God who loves them and carefully shapes them with his loving hands. How God sometimes uses the painful events of life to do his greatest work! And imagine these kids with a new sense of hope - that their life, even their hurts - matter. This is the Harbor in action - to the Glory of God!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

We are so excited! In this gym, we will have family movie nights, couple's volleyball, lot's of basketball, and much much more! All to build relationships with people and give them an awesome place to get to know Jesus. If you'd like to work on those bleachers (they've kind of fallen into disrepair) - give me a holler and you can go at it!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

PRAY: Manoogian

My Sister in Law, Liann, asked if she could help The Harbor by seeking out and writing Grant Requests. "YES!" What an incredibly important need - filled by God! I've been staring the need for grants in the face, feeling hopeless because there is just not enough time in the day! God is good. So, Liann emailed me today - she's working on a request for the Manoogian Foundation. She asked for prayer. They are based in Taylor, and provide grants to organizations nation wide. So - when you pray, pray MANOOGIAN - and together we'll celebrate God's answer!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Lockers for Sale

Have you ever dreamed of owning your very own high school locker?

Okay, that's a bit strong - but maybe you'd like a set for your garage, or to decorate your kids bedroom?

The lockers come in sets of 6. Your cost? Only $50.00 per set! All proceeds go towards the operating budget of The Harbor.

If you'd like to purchase lockers, contact us at pmcrydo(at)

New Needs...

Well, we need a potters wheel for sure. Since one has already promised a kiln - now we need pots to "fire" - and a potters wheel will be just the ticket. Imagine the discussions surrounding Jeremiah 18:6... "Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?" declares the Lord. "Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel..."

That's our goal, right? To become pliable - and willing, for God to shape us as he sees fit. And when he's finished - you are I are works of art! Beautiful!

God is busy forming you and me every day. And for that I am grateful.

So, if you have a potters wheel laying around - give us a call!


So, the Lord through one person, promised new signage throughout the building! What a blessing! How cool is that?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


So in staff meeting today, I was updating everyone on the great Detroit adventure. I pointed out that the closer we get to this, the more we realize just how impossible it is. Not just difficult - but impossible. "IMpossible" I emphasized.

My wise office manager replied: "No, not IMpossible - it's HIMpossible"!

Awesome! HIMpossible! God will do great things - how fun to be part of it!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Bunn VPR-APS Pourover Airpot Coffee Brewer with 2.2 Liter Airpot

So, my friend Bob saw our new blog, and willing to help us paint wrote me this: "You know I can't paint until I've had my coffee - so put me down for the Bunn VPR-APS." How cool is that?

And another blast from the past friend said that in a year they may be ready to move and help begin the work within the city limits of Detroit - and that's moving from 600 miles away!

And another said "I've got a friend who I think will donate his kiln - and since I'm an electrician, I'll come hook it up."

What an awesome God we have. "Every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." (James 1:17)

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Dockyard

The Dockyard is where the work happens. The Dockyard is our list of prayer partners.

Recently, I've seen just how big this mountain is that we are attempting to climb. In fact, it's impossible. To be clear - it is not just "difficult" or "risky" - it is impossible.

Philippians 4:13 reminds us that "with Christ, all things are possible".

The impossible becomes possible through Christ.

Unless our God moves - all our effort in Detroit will fail. And it wouldn't be pretty.

But God started this, and I believe he'll bring it to completion!

So pray with us. For the impossible. That thriving F.M. churches will birth, develop and grow all across Detroit - bringing hope and dignity to those who have been sidelined.

Join the Dockyard - and you'll get short, weekly email directing you on our highest priorities of prayer!

Finding ourselves on this adventure!

Well, first things first. January of 2011, God began to speak. Actually, he had begun speaking long before that. But regarding the great city of Detroit - we first heard God's voice in January of 2011. And He said: Give yourself to planting new Free Methodist churches in Detroit and it's surroundings.
After God spoke, I said "Uh, I don't think I've heard you correctly. McKenna is a sophomore in High School, and you would NEVER ask her to move. So, I think maybe I didn't hear you. So, I don't even need to pray about this."
Three months later, McKenna said to me "Daddy, I want to do something different. I love it here in Schoolcraft and everything - but in a way I feel like I'm wasting my life. I want to give my life away. I want something to fight for. I want to give myself to something."
I asked her what she had in mind.
She said "I think we should move."
Then God said, "Now will you pray about it?"
I told Mary (my wife) about the idea. She said she'd move, but she felt a bit unsure. So I told God again: "I must have misunderstood. Maybe I'm just longing for adventure. Mary isn't all that keen on the idea. Our marriage would never stand up under the pressure that starting a new church would require, unless we are completely united in this idea. So, maybe I misunderstood. I guess, I'm out."
Two weeks later, Mary came to me and said "Hey, you know that idea about Detroit? Well, God has spoken to me and I am absolutely totally committed, excited and certain that God wants us there. How soon can we get started?"
So, we began praying - and over the next several months God spoke clearly: "Move to the south side of Detroit, and reach out to those who have little. Focus on the arts and recreation. Love the hurting. Introduce them to Jesus and start a church. And then, do it again and again throughout the city of Detroit."
Whew! We prayed and sought counsel. We asked out conference leaders to pray about it too.
Everyone agrees: God wants a new Free Methodist work in and through and around the city of Detroit.
So, we move this summer!
This blog is about all that - and I'm sure you'll read and wonder how you can help reach the lost and bring hope to so many without. And God will give you ideas.
Join us, will you?