Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Harbor Hoops

So imagine with me a league of up and coming basket-ballers! Perhaps they weren't good enough to make the team at their school - but here at the Harbor... THEY PLAY. It's strange isn't it? Our 7th and 8th graders dream of playing ball - and only 12-15 make the team. The rest are basically "out". That was it. Their big chance to play organized ball, and they weren't good enough to make the cut. Bummer. Unless of course, you play for The Harbor. Harbor Hoops means everyone who wants to play, gets to play. Because everyone matters. And not only will their be some great sports - but all who enter will learn their is a God who gave them ability, and energy, and relationship. There is a God who created the idea of "Teamwork" when he put us together into families and churches, gifiting us as members of "the body of Christ". There is a God who dreamed of his creation learning that working together accomplishes more than going through life alone. Imagine Harbor Hoops.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to come watch the Harbor Hoops play. AWESOME!
