Monday, June 25, 2012

Selling STUFF

July 5-7! We'll host the Harbor Stuff Sale!

Need a locker? We have a hundred or so.

What about desks? Yeah - many, many, many desks. Both student desks and teacher desks!

How about file cabinets. Yep - selling those too.

Computers? Dozens of computers and printers.

We even have 5 1/4 inch disks!

Imagine the kinds of things you might find in a high school - and you'll probably find that at our sale! Yep - at least two grass skirts too!

All proceeds go to support The Harbor.

Thursday, Friday or Saturday - July 5-7. We'll see you here!


  1. Did you guys sell all the lockers already? I saw the posting on Facebook and am looking for a couple for my kids. Email if you still have something ldgmryba@

  2. Same here - looking for lockers and computers for my homeschool kiddos! Please email me if there is anything left. Thanks!
